Arcadia – Time Line of history from 1901 – 1930
1905 – Water initially came from the local creeks and iron tanks for the children. In 1905 a water tank was sunk to supplement some iron tanks. The top of this tank can still be seen in good condition as several rows of bricks in a circle and is located next to the library.
1907 – St Columbs Church officially opens on 21st September 1907. The services originally were held in the Union Hall.
1910 – Mr Randolf J Calov was Headmaster from February 1910 till December. During Mr Calvo’s time Arbor Day & Empire Day were celebrated.
1910 – The first Wattle Day was celebrated in NSW
1914 – Arcadia Public School had 22 pupils.
1914 – World War 1 was declared. The First World War began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.
1919 – The districts telephone exchange was established at Arcadia Post office. This service was automated in 1974 and the Post Office was closed.
c1920 – Arcadia Tennis Club home court was at Arcadia Public School.
1921 – The local community raised money to purchase one quarter acres block from Sam Fagan to build the Arcadia School of Arts building (now known as Arcadia Community Centre).
1925 – Mr Hilton Rivett was Headmaster from January 1925 till December 1936, 45 pupils.
1926 – Renovations went ahead in 1926 including making the inside of this building on level, removal of the coloured glass panes and replacing them with clear glass and fitting two additional windows on the eastern and western ends. The two smaller windows in the front where replaced with casement types. This building is in excellent condition and is now used as the staff room.
1926 – the Post Office was now located next to the community centre after being conducted out of the verandah of the school residence.
c1930 – a decline in the productivity of the local citrus industry occurred and as a result many farmers turned to egg production and stone fruit orchards for income.